"We needed complete plumbing installed for an outdoor washer and sink hook-up. This was (to us) a huge job which entailed not only connecting hot and cold water but the drain connections, too. Ray looked at the job and said it would be convenient because the washer would be located near a bathroom wall. Ray directed exactly where the 12" deep trench should be dug, and we agreed that we (with "we" being my husband!) would do all of the digging. We said the digging would be done at a specific time, and both Ray and David were right there working minutes later. They worked for several hours with minimal disruption of our water usage. The next day they were back bright and early to test the lines and turn on the water. We had a second estimate, and it was 2 1/2 times the amount Ray charged! For the same job, with us still doing all of the digging! Yes, I can say that Maui Plumbing was an excellent choice. They were very professional, and we would definitely recommend them to anyone and hire them again in the future."- D.C.
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